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  • Writer's pictureBro. Jason D Boyd

Confident in Me

Love Always Trust on a weathered board

As I sat at my desk on Monday morning, working, my thoughts turned to the future of speaking to parishioners.  Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me.

I don't hear the words, but I feel them.  It's hard to explain the phenomenon of communicating with the Holy Spirit.  I listen to Him say, "Put your confidence in Me."

I wrote that down in my day planner for a new book.  Then, I returned to the vision of the parishioners.  I reminded myself that God would not put me in a position of self-humiliation, but the message was intended for others.  I wrote down again what I had just thought and said to the Holy Spirit, "Your servant is listening and take my hands to write."  The Lord had my undivided attention like Samuel. 

The Lord told me, "You have yielded your life to Me; don't worry about what others think of you when you speak.  Stage fright is in your head.  Anxiety is in your head.  Let go of it.  Speak slowly so that My people will listen to Me by putting words in your mouth.  Don't be afraid of them.  They will scoff and laugh at you - smile and move on.  Leave the humiliation to Me and let Me deal with My people."

From today onwards, I feel a renewed and profound sense of faith.  I am learning to surrender my will and trust God's plan.

That evening, I reached out to my spiritual advisor to discuss my recent experience.  He explained that what I had experienced was similar to the moment when God spoke to Moses at the burning bush.  The only difference is that we don't need a physical bush as God's spirit already resides within us - the Holy Spirit.

Stepping out of our comfort zones and committing to trust Him can be a powerful and transformative experience.  By releasing our expectations and surrendering to a higher plan, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities for spiritual growth.  Remember to trust the journey and have faith that everything is unfolding at the exact time it should.


Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

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